Write a Review about Bob and Page

Bob and Page's Winnipeg hair stylists care about your experience and we want each and every client that walks through our doors to walk out feeling and looking their best. Please share your positive experience using Facebook or Google (or copy your review to both!!!). Rest assured, we read and acknowledge each and every review.

Facebook Users
1. Click on this link and log in to Facebook if required.
2. Type your review but be sure to TAG US by typing @BobandPage
3. Click “Share Page” and don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook.

Google Users
1. Click on this link and log in to Google if required.
2. Type your review and select the quality of your experience.
3. Click “Publish” and don’t forget to “+1” us on Google+.

If you don’t have Facebook or Google accounts, you can just email us your review to info@bobandpage.com

*Reviewers name and content will be shared with others and may be used by Bob and Page Winnipeg Hair Salon for promotional purposes.